mother and baby

Is ‘Mummy brain’ a real thing?

Is ‘Mummy brain’ a real thing?

Do you feel that your brain is getting slower during pregnancy? Well, let me tell you that it will get worse when the baby arrives. When I first got pregnant, many of my friends and families brought up the mummy brain joke but I did not think that it was a real thing. Until one day I realised that I forgot so many things, including the routines that I should not forget, such as brushing my teeth or taking a shower.

 I know it sounds impossible to forget these routines, but it turns out that the mental change I felt during pregnancy and motherhood is becoming real.

 Research has proven that there is a significant change when a woman becomes a mother. But don’t worry, mummy brain is not all bad. This is in fact a normal development with some wonderful purpose.


  1. Become more protective

Throughout pregnancy, a mother’s brain automatically develops the sensitivity to detect any danger to protect herself and the baby. The strongest protective sense seems to develop during the second and third trimesters. Researchers believe this development will help a woman adapt to motherhood. In other words, mama bear is being prepared to fiercely protect her little cubs.


  1. Programmed for empathy 

Studies have found that all the neural changes in mothers help to program a sense of empathy for motherhood. This reflects when a mother tends to her baby’s needs by responding to the cues such as crying, snuggling, and sleeping.


  1. Mummy brain will stay with you

Well, it may sound alarming that you will have mummy brain forever, but it is not a bad thing at all! In some studies, it is believed that the reason why mummy brain will most likely stick around to help a mother become an amazing grandmother one day. The same brain with protective and empathetic sense will help grandmothers to lend a hand to raise their grandchildren.


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